Friday, 27 March 2015

Amazing homework by Tosia in Year 3!

End of Term Assembly

This afternoon we joined together for our end of term assembly. Children showed certificates from outside of school and some received them for their maths in school. At the end of each long term we also award 'Citizen Cloth Badges' to children who demonstrate the Christian values. Well done to all the children who got theirs today.

KS2 Easter Egg Hunt!

Key Stage 2 enjoyed the spring weather this afternoon with an Easter Egg hunt. They each made an Easter Egg and half was hidden. Everyone loved trying to find their missing piece! The PTFA provided us with a chocolate egg as a prize.

Happy Easter

Monday, 23 March 2015

Amazing improvements in writing in Year 2

And on week later...

And now handwriting getting even better...
Well done Wiktoria.

Local Author Visit

Reception and Years 1-4 had a real treat this afternoon when local author Oliver Rigby came in to read them his book 'Goram and Ghyston the Bristol Giants'. Some of us got to ask him questions and we found out the giants are responsible for the Avon Gorge!